Troubleshooting Disco installation

Setting up Disco should tell you enough to get Disco up and running, but it may happen that Disco doesn’t work properly right after installation. If you can’t run the word count example successfully, the reason is usually a small misconfigured detail somewhere. This document tries to help you figure out what’s going wrong.

Since Disco is a distributed system based on loosely coupled components, it is possible to debug the system by testing the components one by one. This document describes the troubleshooting process. It is intended to help you to get Disco working locally, on a single computer. After you have done this, distributing it should be rather straightforward: the same debugging techniques apply.


It’s assumed that you have already followed the steps in Install Disco.

First, ensure the following:

  • The version of Erlang is the same throughout the cluster.
  • The version of Disco is the same throughout the cluster, and installed in the same location.
  • The ‘python’ executable or symbolic link points to the same version of Python across the cluster, and on the clients from which Disco jobs are submitted.

Make sure Disco is not running

If you have started Disco earlier, try to stop the master using disco stop (or C-c if you are running with disco nodaemon). If you cannot seem to stop Disco this way, kill the beam processes by hand,


You can use:

ps aux | grep beam.*disco


kill PID

to hunt down and kill the pids, respectively.

Is the master starting?

Start Disco by saying:

disco nodaemon

If everything goes well, you should see a bunch of =INFO REPORT= messages printed to the screen. If you see any =ERROR REPORT= messages, something is wrong, and you should try to resolve the particular issue Erlang is reporting. These messages often reveal what went wrong during the startup.

If you see something like this:

application: disco
exited: {bad_return,{{disco_main,start,[normal,[]]},
        {'EXIT',["Specify ",scgi_port]}}}

Disco is trying to start up properly, but your Erlang installation probably doesn’t work correctly and you should try to re-install it.


If you started disco using disco start, you will have to check the logs in DISCO_LOG_DIR for such messages.

If you can’t find the log file, the master didn’t start at all. See if you can find master binaries in the ebin directory under DISCO_MASTER_HOME. If there are no files there, check for compilation errors when you Install Disco.


If you don’t know what DISCO_LOG_DIR is (or any other setting), you can check with:

disco -v

If the master is running, you can proceed to the next step (you can double check with ps as in Make sure Disco is not running). If not, the master didn’t start up properly.

Are there any nodes on the status page?

Now that we know that the master process is running, we should be able to configure the system. Open your web browser and go to http://localhost:8989/ (or whatever your DISCO_MASTER_HOST and DISCO_PORT are set to). The Disco status page should open.

Do you see any boxes with black title bars on the status page (like in this screenshot)? If not, add nodes to the system as instructed in Add nodes to Disco.

If adding nodes through the web interface fails, you can try editing the config file manually. For instance, if you replace DISCO_ROOT in the following command, it will create a configuration file with one node:

echo '[["localhost", "1"]]' > DISCO_ROOT/disco_4441.config


Remember to restart the master after editing the config file by hand.


Note that as of version 0.3.1 of Disco, jobs can be submitted to Disco even if there are no nodes configured. Disco assumes that this configuration is a temporary state, and some nodes will be added. In the meantime, Disco retains the jobs, and will start or resume them once nodes are added to the configuration and become available.

Now is a good time to try to run a Disco job. Go ahead and retry the installation test. You should see the job appear on the Disco status page. If the job succeeds, it should appear with a green box on the job list. If it turns up red, we need to continue debugging.

Are slaves running?

In addition to the master process on the master node, Erlang runs a slave on each node in a Disco cluster.

Make sure that the slave is running:

ps aux | grep -o disco.*slave@

If is is running, you should see something like this:

disco_8989_master@discodev -sname disco_8989_slave@

If you get a similar output, go to Do workers run?. If not, read on.

Is SSH working?

The most common reason for the slave not starting up is a problem with SSH. Try the following command:

ssh localhost erl

If SSH asks for a password, or any other confirmation, you need to configure SSH properly as instructed in authentication configuration.

If SSH seems to work correctly, Erlang should be able to start a slave. Check that you get something similar when you do:

[user@somehost dir]$ disco debug

Eshell VERSION (abort with ^G)
(testmaster@somehost)1> slave:start(localhost, "testnode").
(testmaster@somehost)1> net_adm:ping(testnode@localhost).

If Erlang doesn’t return {ok,_Node} for the first expression, or if it returns pang for the second expression, there’s probably something wrong either with your authentication configuration.


Node names need to be consistent. If your master node is called huey and your remote node dewey, dewey must be able to connect to the master node named huey, and vice versa. Aliasing is not allowed.

Is your firewall configured correctly?

Disco requires a number of ports to be accessible to function properly.

  • 22 - SSH
  • 8990 - DDFS web API
  • 8989 - Disco web interface/API. Must be unblocked on slaves and the master.
  • 4369 - Erlang port mapper
  • 30000 to 65535 - Communication between Erlang slaves


Future versions of Disco may allow you to specify a port range for Erlang to use. However, the current version of Disco does not, so you must open up the entire port range.

Is your DNS configured correctly?

Disco uses short DNS names of cluster nodes in its configuration. Please ensure that short hostnames were entered in the Add nodes to Disco step, and that DNS resolves these short names correctly across all nodes in the cluster.

Do workers run?

The master is responsible for starting individual processes that execute the actual map and reduce tasks. Assuming that the master is running correctly, the problem might be in the worker.

See what happens with the following command:

ssh localhost "python DISCO_HOME/lib/disco/worker/classic/"

Where DISCO_HOME in this case must be the Disco source directory. It should start and send a message like this:

WORKER 32 {"version": "1.0", "pid": 13492}

If you get something else, you may have a problem with your PATH or Python installation.

Still no success?

If the problem persists, or you can’t get one of the steps above working, do not despair! Report your problem to friendly Disco developers on IRC or the mailing list. Please mention in your report the steps you followed and the results you got.

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