Extended Tutorial¶
This tutorial expands on the introductory Tutorial to expose the user to Disco’s exported classes while solidifying the concepts of feeding input into and capturing output from Disco jobs. As a working example, this tutorial walks the user through implementing one approach for performing an inner_join operation on arbitrarily large datasets.
As a prerequisite, the reader is expected to have successfully completed the introductory Tutorial on a functional (happily configured and working) installation of Disco.
1. Background and sample input¶
Let’s first prepare a sample input data set that’s small enough and simple
enough for us to follow and know what to expect on output. We will prepare
two sets of input in csv format to be “joined” together using the first
entry in each row as the key to match (join) on. Create a file named
containing the following text:
Create a second file named set_B.csv
containing the following text:
When we inner_join these two datasets using the first entry in each row as its key, we would like to see output that looks something like this:
Note that there is no line in the output for key=6 as seen in the input data
of set_B.csv
because it did not have a matched pair for that key in
. Please also note that we would expect the output to be the
same even if the order of the lines were scrambled in either of the two
input data sets.
If you’re a big data fanatic and can’t wait to get to a macho volume of input, be patient. Let’s make sure we get everything working right and we understand what’s happening with small data first before turning up the volume.
You should now have two files in your working directory named set_A.csv
and set_B.csv
which contain 5 and 6 lines, respectively, of text data.
2. Split input data into chunks¶
In the introductory Tutorial, we made use of a DDFS (Disco Distributed Filesystem)
command, ddfs chunk
, to split input data into chunks and copy it onto
DDFS. To provide a more concrete sense of how to chunk input data, let’s
instead split our input data before we push it to DDFS. When we do push
our already-split data to DDFS, we will tell DDFS to treat the distinct
chunks as one.
As alluded to before, there are many strategies for performing efficient
join operations inside MapReduce frameworks. Here we will take the approach
of combining our two input data sets (A and B) into a single input stream.
With a single input stream, it’s easier to see how to split up the input,
do work on it, then merge it back together. This approach doesn’t
necessarily harm performance but there are different strategies tuned for
optimal performance depending upon the nature of your data. (Search the
net for “mapreduce join
” to see the wealth of competing strategies out
Assuming a unix-like environment from here on, start by combining our two input files:
% cat set_A.csv set_B.csv > both_sets.csv
Next, we want to split our both_sets.csv
file into chunks with 2 lines
each. You can do this with a text editor yourself, by hand, or we can
make use of the convenient unix utility split
to do the job for us:
% split -l 2 both_sets.csv
Running split
as above should create 6 files named xaa
. You can quickly verify this by performing a count of the lines
in each file and seeing that it adds up to 11:
% wc -l xa?
2 xaa
2 xab
2 xac
2 xad
2 xae
1 xaf
11 total
Now that we’ve split the input data ourselves into 6 chunks, let’s push
our split data into DDFS and label it all with a single tag,
, so that we can refer to all our chunks as one:
% ddfs push data:both_sets ./xa?
You can verify that all 11 lines made it into DDFS and are accessible via
that single tag by asking to cat
it back to the screen:
% ddfs cat data:both_sets
By splitting our input data into 6 chunks, we are now set up to perform 6 executions of our map function (which we have yet to implement). If you have a processor with 6 cores, you could conceivably perform all 6 map operations in parallel at the same time. If you have more than 6 cores either on one processor or across multiple processors available to Disco, you’ll only be able to make use of, at most, 6 of them at one time during the map phase of a MapReduce job. In general: If you want more map operations to be running at the same time, make more chunks (smaller chunks). Taking it too far, if you make more chunks than you have cores, you won’t get further speedup from parallelism.
You should now have the 11 lines of input csv-format data stored in DDFS
in 6 chunks under the tag data:both_sets
. While not necessarily the
best approach for splitting and importing your largest datasets into DDFS,
it may prove helpful to remember that you can chunk your data all at once
or bring it in in pieces.
You can also set a limit for the size of the chunks to increase the number of the chunks for a fixed size file. The default maximum chunk size is 64 MB. You can use:
% ddfs chunk -S 0.1 data:other_sets ./both_sets.csv
This will result in each chunk being smaller than 0.1 * 1MB. For this small file, only one chunk will be created.
3. Write a job using a derived class¶
In the introductory Tutorial, we defined a map function and a
reduce function, and then supplied them as parameters to Job().run()
But there’s more fun to be had by deriving a new class from
. Let’s start by declaring our new class and saving
it in a source file named simple_innerjoin.py
class CsvInnerJoiner(Job):
def map(self, row, params):
def reduce(self, rows_iter, out, params):
Before we turn attention to implementing either of the map or
reduce methods, we should consider our need, in this example, to
read input that’s in csv format. A convenient solution is to implement
in our class:
def map_reader(fd, size, url, params):
reader = csv.reader(fd, delimiter=',')
for row in reader:
yield row
This will allow us to implement map()
to operate on one row’s worth
of input data at a time without needing to worry about raw input format.
Our strategy with our map and reduce methods will be to
first sort all of the input data by their unique keys (which will put
row 4 from set_A.csv
right next to / in front of row 4 from
), then merge consecutive rows having the same unique key.
This puts most of the burden on our reduce()
implementation, but
we’ll ease that a bit in a later pass. Since map()
does not need
to do much other than serve as a pass-through (quickly), modify our
placeholder for map()
to read:
def map(self, row, params):
yield row[0], row[1:]
This will separate the unique key (in position 0) from all the other data on a row (assuming we want to re-use this for something more interesting than our fairly trivial input data set so far).
Now we ask reduce()
to do the real work in its updated definition:
def reduce(self, rows_iter, out, params):
from disco.util import kvgroup
from itertools import chain
for url_key, descriptors in kvgroup(sorted(rows_iter)):
merged_descriptors = list(chain.from_iterable(descriptors))
if len(merged_descriptors) > 1:
out.add(url_key, merged_descriptors)
Again, as in Tutorial, we are using disco.util.kvgroup()
to group together consecutive rows in our sorted input and hand them
back as a group (iterable). Note our test to see if we have a matched pair
or not is somewhat fragile and may not work for more general cases – we
highlight this as an area for improvement for the reader to consider
Let’s round out our simple_innerjoin.py
tool by making it easy to
supply names for input and output, while also making our output come out
in csv format – adding to the bottom of simple_innerjoin.py
if __name__ == '__main__':
input_filename = "input.csv"
output_filename = "output.csv"
if len(sys.argv) > 1:
input_filename = sys.argv[1]
if len(sys.argv) > 2:
output_filename = sys.argv[2]
from simple_innerjoin import CsvInnerJoiner
job = CsvInnerJoiner().run(input=[input_filename])
with open(output_filename, 'w') as fp:
writer = csv.writer(fp)
for url_key, descriptors in result_iterator(job.wait(show=True)):
writer.writerow([url_key] + descriptors)
Notice the important nuance in our importing the CsvInnerJoiner
from our own source file. Ordinarily, if this script were run
independently, we would not expect to need to import a class that’s being
defined in the same source file. Because Disco pickle‘s this source file
(using its own dPickle
) for the sake of distributing it to worker
nodes, upon unpickling the definition of CsvInnerJoiner
will no longer
be visible in the local context. Try running with the “from ...” line
commented out to see the resulting complaint from the Unpickler run by
the workers. If anything, we should take this as a gentle reminder to be
cognizant that we are preparing code to run in a distributed, parallel
system and that we occasionally need to make some small adjustments for
that environment.
In the prior Tutorial, all output flowed to the screen (stdout) but here we capture the output flowing from our job into a file in csv format. We chose to use the csv format throughout this Extended Tutorial for convenience but clearly other methods of redirecting output and formatting it to your own needs are possible in the same way.
4. Results and exploring partitions¶
We should now be set up to run our job with 6 input chunks corresponding
to 6 invocations of our map()
method and the output of those map runs
will flow into 1 invocation of our reduce()
method to then produce our
final csv result file. Launching from the command-line:
% python simple_innerjoin.py data:both_sets output.csv
At this point, please check that the output found in the file output.csv
matches what was expected. (Pedants can play further with formatting and
quotation rules via the csv module, to taste.) If you instead encounter
errors, please double-check that your file faithfully matches the code
outlined thus far and please double-check that you can still run the
example from the introductory Tutorial.
Thus far we’ve been running parallel invocations of map()
but not of
– let’s change that by requesting that the output from the
map phase be divided into 2 partitions. Add the following line to the
very top of our definition of the CsvInnerJoiner
class, to look
something like this:
class CsvInnerJoiner(Job):
partitions = 2
Run the job again from the command-line and this time you may find that
while the output might be correct, the output is no longer in sort-order.
This is because we did not sort over all rows – only the rows handed to a
particular invocation of reduce()
were sorted, though we still get to
see the output from parallel invocations of reduce()
together in our single output csv file.
This helps highlight a problem we’re going to have once we start throwing
larger volumes of data at this Disco job: invoking sorted()
a potentially large amount of memory. Thankfully Disco provides, as part
of its framework, an easier solution to this common need for working with
sorted results in the reduce step. At the top of our definition of the
class, let’s add the following line:
class CsvInnerJoiner(Job):
partitions = 2
sort = True
Simultaneously, we can remove the use of sorted()
from the one line
in our implementation of reduce()
so that it now reads as:
def reduce(self, rows_iter, out, params):
from disco.util import kvgroup
from itertools import chain
for url_key, descriptors in kvgroup(rows_iter):
merged_descriptors = list(chain.from_iterable(descriptors))
if len(merged_descriptors) > 1:
out.add(url_key, merged_descriptors)
Now the work of sorting the results flowing from the mappers is done for us by the framework and that sort is performed across all mappers’ results before being partitioned and handed as input to the reducers.
5. Big(ger) Data¶
Let’s quickly generate a bigger input data set with which to work. The
following one-liner can be modified to generate as little or as much sample
data as you have patience / disk space to hold – modify the 1000000
the end of the line to create as many rows of data as you like:
% python -c "import csv, sys, random; w = csv.writer(sys.stdout);
[w.writerow([i, int(999999*random.random())]) for i in range(1000000)]" > input1.csv
Run it twice (saving the first run’s output in a different name from the
second run’s) to give yourself two sets of input data just as before.
Then follow the steps from either this Extended Tutorial or the prior
introductory Tutorial to chunk the input data and push it to DDFS
in whatever manner you like. (Let’s assume you tag your chunked input
data as data:bigger_sets
in DDFS.)
The only modification to simple_innerjoin.py
that we suggest,
depending upon how large your newly generated input data set is, is to
increase the number of partitions to ratchet up the number of parallel
runs of reduce()
. Then go ahead and run your job in the same way:
% python simple_innerjoin.py data:bigger_sets bigger_output.csv
By monitoring the processes on the system(s) where you’ve configured Disco, you will hopefully be able to observe individual workers performing their map tasks and reduce tasks, the framework doing your sorting work for you in between, and how much cpu processing time is being used versus time spent waiting on disk or other resources. Having a larger dataset with a longer runtime makes observing these things much easier.
Note that you may quickly find your disk access speed to become a bottleneck and for this reason and others you should consider playing with the number of partitions as well as the number of input chunks (how many reducers and mappers, respectively) to find your system’s optimal throughput for this job.
As a variation on the above, remember that our simple_innerjoin.py
script has the capability to read its input data from a local file instead
of DDFS – try running again with a local file supplied as the location of
the input (instead of data:bigger_sets
). Did you get an error message
with “Invalid tag (403)”? If so, you need to ensure Disco recognizes that
you are supplying a filename and not the name of a tag. Did you get an
error message with “IOError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory”? If so,
you either need to supply the full path to the file (not a relative path
name) or that path may not be available to Disco everywhere (if so, a good
reason to use DDFS again). Was your run faster or slower than using DDFS?
After playing with ever larger volumes of data and tweaking the controls that Disco provides, you’ll quickly gain confidence in being able to throw any size job at Disco and knowing how to go about implementing a solution.
simple_innerjoin.py listing¶
Complete source all in one place:
from disco.core import Job, result_iterator import csv, sys class CsvInnerJoiner(Job): partitions = 2 sort = True def map(self, row, params): yield row[0], row[1:] @staticmethod def map_reader(fd, size, url, params): reader = csv.reader(fd, delimiter=',') for row in reader: yield row def reduce(self, rows_iter, out, params): from disco.util import kvgroup from itertools import chain #for url_key, descriptors in kvgroup(sorted(rows_iter)): for url_key, descriptors in kvgroup(rows_iter): merged_descriptors = list(chain.from_iterable(descriptors)) if len(merged_descriptors) > 1: out.add(url_key, merged_descriptors) if __name__ == '__main__': input_filename = "input.csv" output_filename = "output.csv" if len(sys.argv) > 1: input_filename = sys.argv[1] if len(sys.argv) > 2: output_filename = sys.argv[2] from simple_innerjoin import CsvInnerJoiner job = CsvInnerJoiner().run(input=[input_filename]) with open(output_filename, 'w') as fp: writer = csv.writer(fp) for url_key, descriptors in result_iterator(job.wait(show=True)): writer.writerow([url_key] + descriptors)
What next?¶
A natural next step in experimenting with partitioning involves
chaining jobs together since the number of partitioned
outputs from one job becomes the number of chunked inputs for the next.
As a baby step, you could move the reduce()
method implemented above
into a second, chained job and replace it in the first job with a
do-nothing substitute like disco.worker.classic.func.nop_reduce()
As already mentioned in the introductory Tutorial, the best way to learn is to pick a problem or algorithm that you know well, and implement it with Disco. After all, Disco was designed to be as simple as possible so you can concentrate on your own problems, not on the framework.